
Tips on how to prepare for an interview at school

Tips on how to prepare for an interview at school

An interview at school. I have had QUITE A FEW. Still I Find It A Bit Of A Challenge Every Time, Such An Interview.

Each Time I Go to the Teacher with Tension in My Body and Actual I Hate It.

How to prepare for an interview I will tell you Today.


Habitation You would think

The Boys Are Ten and Eight So By Now I Should Be Used to Talking to the Teachers at School. They are also all very sweet and good teachers, with whom I can talk perfectly well and who I can go to with any questions. But that moment of the interview, I am always nervous about that.

Why Am I So Nervous

Once Before I wrote about Being a Nervous Wreck. I've Always had this, get worried about the smallest things and have sleepless nights about Nothing. I Find Being Nervous Before A School Interview Very Irritating.

It's not necessary at all. Both Boys Are Doing Well in School, had good reports again this time.

So there's no need to be nervous. Still, I think it's because a parent I also bee judged a bit. That's why I'm always a bit nervous.

Tips for an interview at school

Because I know I am not the only one who has this problem, I have written down a few tips so that – if you have the same problem – you can go to a 10 -minute interview relaxed:

  • Make use of the moments that you can talk to the teacher. Sometimes You Are Given the Choice To Have An Interview or Not. Also go when your child has a good report, this way you show the school that you are interested in your child and school. But also Learn How To Conduct The Interviews.
  • Before You Start A Conversation at School, Hear From Your Child How Things Are Going at School. Then you also know a bit of what to expect. For Example, This Time I Heard From the Teacher That The Youngest Of Needs To Be Addressed By The Teacher Because He has Trouble Sitting Still. I did not know this and was actual very surprised. Until I Asked the Son And He Confirmed That This Was Certainly So.
  • At the progress interview we as parents have to fill in a form. Also really take the time to fill this out, the questions are not easy, but very relevant in the conversation with the teacher.
  • Think Well in Advance about what you want to discuss. The Teacher has a fixed part that must be discussed (and only for minutes) but otherwise write it down for yourself, so you do not forget anything.
  • Are there agreements? Discuss when you will come back to this together. So Something is Done with what has been discussed.

How I did it this time

A Few Weeks AGO I Was Allowed to Come Back To School for An Interview and I Certainly Always Take the Opportunity. I Find It – Despite the fact that it makes me QUITE NERVOUS Very important to talk to the teachers and I Tok the Above to Heart (Except for Asking the Son How It Went, which Really Upset Me).As it turned out, he himself told me that cannot sit still and sometimes falls off his chair.). I must say that I also tried to be more relaxed, so the conversation was over in no time and I had a good feeling afterwards.

If you have more tips, leave them in a comment. And are you also looking forward to those conversations??